Pinselfabrik Hans P. Maier celebrates 15th anniversary of FSC ® certification
As early as in 2005, the brush factory Hans P. Maier GmbH of Nuremberg, Germany carried out the certification according to the guidelines of the Forest Stewardship Council®. As first German manufacturer of hobby, school, artist and cosmetic brushes that could present this eco-label, the company has since then been in the position to deliver brushes with certified wood.
The Forest Stewardship Council® was founded in 1993 by environment organisations, representavies of local groups and enterprises of the forestry and timber industry as a world-wide independent and non-profit organisation.
Ever since, the FSC® has been an international label for wood recommended by leading environment organisations in order to conserve the balance of the eco system. It ensures that wood does not arise from predatory exploitation of nature, but was produced in a responsible and environmentally sustainable way.
The CoC – Chain of Custody – certification means for brushes that from the forest owner up to the brush factory all members of the production chain must undergo an annual external audit, thereby objectively and verifiably documenting the complete commodity chain.
Having only a limited number of FSC®- certified suppliers in the beginning, the old- established German company implemen- ted a targeted environmental purchase policy and suceeded in enlarging its supplier-base. In the 16th year of the certification, the company is thus able to offer the complete range of school, hobby, artist and cosmetic brushes – from the high end German manual production to the import products from China – in certified quality.
What is the benefit for customers? Consumers become evermore critical and increasingly require goods that are produced according to ecological and social criteria. The possibility to offer brushes with FSC®-certified handles is a clear competitive advantage for the trade. This reflects in the fact that Hans P. Maier GmbH could year after year win a growing customer circle for eco-friendly brushes.
The efforts for the upcoming recertification in 2021 are certainly worthwhile not only for the environment, but also for everyone involved.
HPM celebrates 15th anniversary of FSC® certification (Pdf 80 kB)